For employers

Posting of workers

MR JOB has been cooperating with representatives of the German labour market for many years, providing services by sending employees to companies from various sectors.

The certificate permitting to lease employees – so-called Arbeitnehmerueberlassungserlaubnis – confirms that MR JOB is a financially stable company which provides services respecting the provisions of the law and ensuring security to all the cooperating parties.

Comprehensive processof employee secondment includes

  • services provided to the contractor by the dedicated MR JOB representative who is responsible for order processing and supporting effective cooperation between the employer, agency and employees;
  • employee recruitment, human resources and payroll services, support offered by the office in Poland;
  • provision of accommodation for sent employees.

On the German market we are distinguished by our individual approach to each client. We adjust the type of cooperation to our partners’ expectations in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • understanding and treating our contractors’ needs as a priority, and related to that timely delivery of suitably selected services;
  • availability of a MR JOB dedicated representative which enables a quick reaction to our client’s queries;
  • professional services provided to the contractor, guaranteed thanks to the experience MR JOB consultants gained in the field of employee secondment.

By managing human resources in cooperation with MR JOBthe contractor gains:

  • qualified employees – seconded workers have professional education and long-standing experience in a practiced profession;
  • reliable, motivated team – employee remuneration higher than the minimum rate and comfortable accommodation have an impact on a low level of fluctuation and high motivation among the employed;
  • high efficiency and timely task performance – qualified and well-motivated employees demonstrate their commitment and diligence.
